Urgent Call to Action - Proposed OSHA Changes
By Steve Dixon
April 24, 2024

From Don Corkery, President, Association of Fire Districts State of New York

As most of you are now aware, OSHA has proposed significant changes to the Fire Brigades Standard 1910.156. The Association of Fire Districts State of New York executive board and 2nd VP Dave Denniston have spent countless hours digesting the proposed changes and formulating an official response. We want to be clear that we are all for keeping firefighters safe and in fact need to commit to certain changes for the betterment of the fire service. We appreciate OSHA’s efforts but we feel there are some serious concerns with the current proposed changes. VP Denniston has shared his official public comment with OSHA, and we ask you to read and digest it. His letter is attached

We also ask you to sign the Change.org petition using the below link or QR code. Other helpful information is also available through the additional links. It has been suggested to us by some of our Congressional partners that we need to amass 50K signatures on this effort. We also ask your district and anyone else to submit their own public comment directly to OSHA telling a clear story of what this would mean to your district in dollars, cents, and hours. The public comment period ends on June 21.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this important issue. We firmly believe this should be today's most important issue on your Fire Districts radar.

Hyperlinks: Change.org Petition
Proposed Changes Fact Sheet
Resources Page
Attachment Daves_Letter to OSHA.pdf  (985k)